A Peterson Pawpaws selection and seedling of Overleese. (Shenandoah is like a much more productive than its parent. Patented in 2004 under the original name Wansevwan. The tree responds very well to pruning and flowering and general vigor are improved if done so. This variety is being studied for commercial production because of its firmness and shelf-life potential.
The Fruit
Fruit Excellent for shipping. Large but few seeds, measuring 7% of total weight on average.
Fruit Quality excellent. Firm but melting.
Fruit’s skin color when ripe faintly yellowish-green to pale bluish-gray. (Little notable color variation at fruit maturity.)
Fruit Flavor excellent. Mild, sweet, free of bitterness or astringency, with a pleasant aftertaste. Officially described as the best tasting of all pawpaw varieties to date.
Fruit texture Very pleasant mouth-feel. Flesh is slightly firmer than typical pawpaw, but melting in the mouth, with a very smooth, custardy texture. No detectable fiber or grit.
Flesh color creamy yellow.
Fruit size medium. Averaging 5.5oz per fruit. Some fruits may exceed 12oz.
Production heavy for its small tree size.
Additional information
Botanical name Asimina triloba ‘Wansevwan’ (U.S. PP14452) given the variety name ‘Shenandoah’
Aroma pleasant, neither too faint nor too pronounced.
Grafted Yes. On faster growing, specialty rootstock.
Ripening season mid to late. Mid to late September in southern states.
Mature Height fairly small. 11-16ft.
Mature Width 11-15ft.
Pollination requirements Plant 2 or more different varieties 8-15ft. apart.
Yield 80 fruits per tree for a total weight of 30lbs., or more.
Disease / Insect No major problems with pests or disease
Growth rate medium.